All Island Neurology believes that part of good health care practice is to establish and communicate an office financial policy to our patients. We are dedicated to providing the best possible care for you, and we want you to have a full understanding of our financial policies.
- INSURANCE: Please contact your insurance plan to be sure All Island Neurology is In-Network with your plan. It is also your responsibility to be aware of any deductibles, spend downs, coinsurance or copayments you are required to pay. Please remember that insurance is a contract between the patient and the insurance company and ultimately the patient is responsible for payment in full. As a courtesy to our patients, we will verify your insurance coverage, however, our verification is not a guarantee of benefits payable by your insurance. If you have a managed care plan that requires a referral, it is your responsibility to obtain a referral in order for your office visit to be covered under medical insurance. If you do not have a valid referral and still wish to be seen, you will be asked to pay for the visit prior to being seen by our providers.
- Payment: Is expected at the time of your visit. We accept cash and credit cards. Payment will include any unmet deductible, co-insurance, co-payment amount or any other charges not covered by your insurance.
By signing this agreement, you agree that you have read and understood All Island Neurology's financial agreement and you are bound by its terms. You also understand that such terms may be amended by the practice at any time.